Have you ever wondered “Why do your employees hate you?” You ask them to do something for the business. The employees roll their eyes. You give them a raise, they steal from you. You need a day off to visit your dying family member, Sorry your employees have plans that day.

Business wasn’t suppose to be this way, having your own business was suppose to freeing and rewarding. But it isn’t. Are you doomed to suffer until eventually you can’t muster the strength to get out of bed and your business implodes destroying you financially as well as emotionally where you spend the rest of your life wondering “What if” ?


Rich E. Cunningham. Jan 2020

It is up to you, to get the business you want to own or manage.

Famed business author and podcast personality Richard E. Cunningham invites you to demand better for yourself and your business.

In his book “Why employees hate you” Learn more about why your employees hate you, how you can stop it from happening over and over, and what solutions you can incorporate to get the business that you want, so your business and your employees work for you and not the other way around.

Innumerable years of business experience in distilled into this tome with will guide you through the methods and systems that allow you to do the following.

  • Be aware and detect the issues in your business that develop and nurture hatred from your employees towards you. Buying a pizza once and awhile isn’t enough and trust me, I like pizza!
  • Help managers and owners discover valuable insights in their staffs psychological needs and find out how to better assist them do their job more successfully.
  • Incorporate examples of systems and policies that help run your business better, reduce friction between management and staff. Aka Learn how to say NO.
  • Unfortunately in this world one can only truly change themselves, so what kind of boss or manager are you? Are you the boss who can’t delegate? Maybe the bragging one who shows to much wealth at work? This book helps you find out and helps you realize what you need to change as well as your staff
  • And a whole bunch of other great stuff to boot.

You deserve to run or manage a business where employees treat you with respect, and your employees deserve to work in a business they know where they know where they stand and understand what is expected of them. You can make this happen in your business. The price of the ticket is small, the price of the book and a few hours of your time to read it but the benefits are great.

You can learn these lessons by suffering for years and hitting your head against the wall , but I have already done that for you. I have the grey hair to prove it. So you can just buy this book and read it. I recommend the easy route, treat yourself.

The book can be bought at the following discerning retail outlets