Customers, we love them sure. They bring us money and help us pay our bills but it doesn’t mean your customers on some level don’t hate you. Just because they want your goods and services doesn’t mean they like you.

In this book, I look into the strange world of customers, where you have to be nice to somebody who can be downright awful, also you can have customers who almost count as friends, or your biggest supports of your business.

Have you ever wondered what you are doing wrong in your business? Your customers won’t tell you, at least not usually in a constructive way but I will. Not in the first chapter of course, I have a page count to fill up but eventually you will find out.

You deserve a business where you can minimize the stress and difficulties customers generate for your business, while remaining profitable and potentially generating even more money then before! Less stress and more money? How can any business owner or manager resist that?

Book currently under development. To be released soon.